
A tribute to Condoleeza Rice and George W. Bush who, despite voluminious evidence to the contrary, said, "I don't think anybody could have predicted that these people would take an airplane and slam it into the World Trade Center, take another one and slam it into the Pentagon, that they would try to use an airplane as a missile," adding that "even in retrospect" there was "nothing" to suggest that" and "I don't think anyone anticipated the breach of the levees," respectively.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Yeah, What's Worse? 

what's worse…that the Iranian government does know or that they don't know?

This is one of the new White House talking points about supposed Iranian involvement in supplying IED to Iraqi insurgents. This same logic may be applied to another situation as well. Namely, the Plame Gate scandal.

So, did Bush know that a large contingent of his administration was actively trying to discredit Joseph Wilson for challenging a pre-war assertion about yellow-cake uranium from Niger and exposed Wilson's wife's undercover CIA identity in the process or was all he unaware that all this was happening right under his nose?

Simply stated, was he complicit or feckless?

Impeach the cheerleader. Save the world!

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