
A tribute to Condoleeza Rice and George W. Bush who, despite voluminious evidence to the contrary, said, "I don't think anybody could have predicted that these people would take an airplane and slam it into the World Trade Center, take another one and slam it into the Pentagon, that they would try to use an airplane as a missile," adding that "even in retrospect" there was "nothing" to suggest that" and "I don't think anyone anticipated the breach of the levees," respectively.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

California Government For Sale 

We all know that the modus operandi of the right-wing propaganda machine is to stage events, from "town hall" meetings to press conferences to the toppling of statues, down to the smallest detail. When I saw the most recent television ads by Arnold Schwarzenegger, it appeared that some products were essentially on display, a practice which is commonly referred to as "product placement."

A little research revealed that the products were from companies which made large donations to Ahnuld. I forwarded my concerns to www.arnoldwatch.org and they had this to say today.

ArnoldWatch Web Log: - May 24, 2005 - 12:45 PM

Arrowhead's Water Boyby: Carmen Balber

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An eagle-eyed ArnoldWatch tipster discovered some subliminal messaging in the Gov's latest TV ad blitz. Well, he didn't need 20-20 vision to catch this one.The ad features Arnold in a lunchroom talking to a table-full of attentive Californians. Pepsi-Cola, Arrowhead Water and Dr. Pepper are given prominent placement next to the Gov. -- for 1/3 of the 30-second ad. If you've ever eaten a snack chip, you'll likely recognize Ruffles, Sun Chips and Cheetos in the background. And a SoBe Beverage makes a cameo appearance.

Pepsi-Cola (which just happens to own SoBe, Sun Chips, Ruffles and Cheetos) has given the Gov's campaign committees $30,000. Joe Weller, Chairman & CEO of Arrowhead's parent company, Nestle USA, gave the maximum $21,200 to Arnold's re-election committee.

We've all read reports of the advance teams that precede Arnold everywhere he goes, and make sure everything from the Boeing jet to the American flag-waving baby are in the correct position. Would California's king of celluloid let an inch of screen or a second of a shot be wasted?

If there's product placement in an Arnold ad, it's planned.ArnoldWatch has already taken the Gov to task for guest appearances he seems to make at the behest of donors (Click here and here to see past weblogs)

Even if Arnold thinks its okay to "sell" California, he shouldn't sell Californians out by using his office to hawk junk food or even bottled water. Campaign donors are not supposed to get anything in return, right?

Well, Arrowhead's waterboy should come clean about these product placements and stop the marketing madness. A Governor who says he wants to get junk foods out of the schools should be willing to take them out of his political ads. [end]

Seems to me that the placement of products in a widely aired political ad has commercial value to the manufacturers of those products. If the selection of which product to be "featured" is based on political contributions, then this is just another form of payback.

If this isn't illegal, it should be. There's no doubt that it totally undermines Arnold's claims about special interest influence.

I've also noticed that these ads run many times during the local and national news. Makes me wonder whether such purchases of air time are an attempt to influence the reporting done by these news organizations.

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