
A tribute to Condoleeza Rice and George W. Bush who, despite voluminious evidence to the contrary, said, "I don't think anybody could have predicted that these people would take an airplane and slam it into the World Trade Center, take another one and slam it into the Pentagon, that they would try to use an airplane as a missile," adding that "even in retrospect" there was "nothing" to suggest that" and "I don't think anyone anticipated the breach of the levees," respectively.

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Fake News for Saturday

Porter Goss, head of Homeland Security, spoke today about the inevitability of another terror strike on American soil as long as incompetent people are in charge. This latest warning came as there was “increased chatter” about Bush’s approval rating falling below 50% and amid rumblings about a major homosexual sex scandal brewing within the propaganda arm of the administration.

Scott McClellan, White House butt-boy, said that despite the urgency of these terror warnings, the president would continue his efforts to create a crisis out of whole cloth on Social Security.

Condoleeza Rice continues to tell other countries what they have to do in order to remain in the good graces of the major American oil companies and the Carlyle Group. All the while, alliances are being formed throughout the world to counter the threat they perceive is posed by the unbridled aggressive posturing of a nation whose foreign policy is dominated by hard-line chickenhawks.

President Bush once again declared he will exhaust all diplomatic options before considering military action against Iran citing the fact that Iran actually has the capability to fight back as a major obstacle. As a result, recruitment numbers for all branches of the military plummeted and many expect this means a military draft is all but certain.


Now that the election is over, the White House has only limited need for the loyalty oaths which American citizens had to sign in order to attend a Bush/Cheney campaign rally. An enterprising “young staffer” has suggested that perhaps the oaths could be used to determine “who is a journalist and who isn’t” when they seek a White House press pass since they seem to be having some difficulty in this area. The normally complacent White House press members, accepted the new provisions with a new found sense of apathy and lauded the administration for its "straight" talk and boldness in dealing with this issue. As usual, all perceptions of irony were negated by warmth one feels when getting a presidential nickname.

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